Geomorfologia, estratigrafia de sequências e potencial de preservação dos sistemas Laguna Barreira do Quaternário Costeiro do Rio Grande do Sul.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The stratigraphic record of Rio Grande do Sul Coastal Plain embraces four high-frequency depositional sequences corresponding to four barrier-lagoon systems (I to IV). These sequences have been developed during the Pleistocene and Holocene, in response to glacioeustatic cycles of 100 ka. The Holocene coastal system, related to the younger sequence (IV), exhibits contemporaneous sectors with opposites stacking patterns. From this observation, two hypotheses were formulated and investigated. The first hypothesis was that the opposite stacking patterns also exist in the older depositional sequences (I, II and III), and the second was that these patterns are expressed, today, in the morphology of the coastal barriers. A geomorphologic and stratigraphic analysis was performed applying various geotechnologies, like remote sensing, geoprocessing, positioning systems and the geophysical method of ground penetrating radar (GPR). The data were obtained in different sectors of the coastal plain, with a focus on the southern region between the border with Uruguay (Chui) and the inlet of Lagoa dos Patos lagoon (Rio Grande). In this region the barrier-lagoon systems II, III and IV were identified and studied in greater detail. The interpretations allowed establishing a stratigraphic framework, setting out the main key surfaces and systems tracts, and a paleogeographic model of the evolution of the southern coastal plain. The existence of retrogradational, progradational and degradacional stacking patterns was found in the older sequences. Although the absolute age of these units has not been determined, it was possible to infer that different behaviors have occurred simultaneously along the shorelines related to these depositional sequences. The variability on the behavior of the coastal systems was also verified by their morphological characteristics, which have great influence on their preservation potential. However, subsequent changes due to erosive and/or depositional events may have significantly modified the original features. The application of geotechnologies from the perspective of modern stratigraphy improved the knowledge of coastal depositional systems, especially of the sequences related to barrier-lagoon systems II and III.


pelotas basin geotecnologia geotechnologies georradar geologia costeira ground penetrating radar pelotas, bacia de (rs) coastal geology pleistocene

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