GÃneros textuais e letramento: uma abordgem sociointeracionista da produÃÃo escrita de crianÃas de 1Â e 2Â sÃrie




The way children are exposed to different literacy practices, either inside or outside school, requires a methodology of teaching writing which concentrates its activities on the use of genre texts. The contribution of the Vygotskian approach (1984, 1987) to the development of social cognition, and the theory of genres presented by Bakhtin (1981,1992), Bronckart (1999), Schneuwly (1994, 1996) and Dolz (1996) set the basis for an understanding of genres as tools that organize and regulate our ways of acting in the world, mediated by language. This epistemological approach gave us support to investigate how students in the elementary level, from public and private schools, react to the activity of producing texts based on different written genres. Based on this broad question, we intended to investigate: the spaces of social action performed by the use of writing, and available to the children in their social environment; the written genres which are closely related to their social routine activities; and also the relation between the teaching of genre and the improvement of learning linguistic and cognitive aspects related to literacy practices for children in this level. The analyses of 84 texts written by 12 students, associated with other instruments of collecting data, revealed that children basically share the same spaces of social action which condition the uses of writing in their lives. We also concluded that the difficulties faced by young writers, which reflect the inherent complexity of writing, can be gradually overcome, by the use of interactive practices of language that make possible multiple cognitive representations of social action


letramento gÃneros textuais writing literacy escrita textual genres linguistica

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