FUZZYVISA: modelo de avaliação de risco da vigilância sanitária para inspeção de resíduos de serviços de saúde utilizando lógica Fuzzy / FUZZYVISA: model risk assessment of the sanitary inspection of waste health services using Fuzzy logic




This study shows a health inspections model of waste management of health establishments in Rio de Janeiro state. The model was built by fuzzys logic and with experts information. It was based in ANVISA rules about waste management in health services: RSS, a RDC 306/04. It makes a simulation of an expert actuation with the diffuse elements of health inspection. The objective of this study is to show a health inspection management waste practice structured instrument, using fuzzys logic, able to optimize the inspection, produce indicators of health control to monitor the satisfactory condition of healh services waste management and guide the planning actions. The fuzzy model was developed with Matlab software and tasted with 10 inspection reports dated of 2009, between may and november.


health surveillance sistema baseado em regras fuzzy resíduos de serviços de saúde technical decision support técnicas de apoio à decisão inspeção sanitária vigilância sanitária system based on fuzzy rules sanitary inspection saude coletiva medical waste

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