Futebol em Campinas : a historia e evolução do derbi campineiro, na sociedade e imprensa de Campinas : "O espetaculo de gala do futebol campineiro" (Correio Popular, sabado, 6 de março de 1976)




Our goal in this thesis was to study the greatest series of football matches of the city of Campinas ? SP ? Brazil, between local teams Associação Atlética Ponte Preta e Gurani Futebol Clube, called ?Dérbi Campineiro?, beginning in 1912, and relates it to press and town?s history, A first we put the Dérbi in it?s specific context and space along the years and afterwards we sought to undestand the interactions between local press and football along history. In this manner we could identify five periods which show different forms of interaction between press and Dérbi ans show the history and evolutions of this traditional and famous series of football matches. This work makes possible to see the important, inherent and fondamental relationship between sport journalism (in this case Campinas newspapers Diário do Povo and Correio Popular) and football and it?s peculiar universe wich have great influence in Campinas society and in the local social imaginary


futebol - campinas (sp) imaginario imprensa - campinas (sp) jornalismo esportivo - campinas (sp)

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