Furnas operative towns in the Rio Grande and Rio Paranaíba basins from conception to today / Vilas operadoras de Furnas nas bacias dos rios Grande e Paranaíba da concepção à atualidade




This thesis investigates Furnas Operative Towns built from the implantation of its hydroelectric plants by Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A. between 1957 and 1987 in the Rio Grande and Rio Paranaíba basins. The thoughts on the towns trajectories are presented in three instances: conception (plans, projects and construction), realization (built construction), and utilization (current, by means of their socio-spatial characteristics), and were based on methods of historical approach through comparative analysis, urban analysis and visual procedures. This staging permitted obtainment of knowledge on the chronology of territorial occupation, which was based on large investments in energy infrastructure through economic development policies, during the time period addressed by this research. This approach was aimed at verifying how the towns are inserted in the regional urbanization process, allowing not only for the extension of knowledge, but to better place the theme of operative town as a distinct conception of the city and its importance for the evolution of company towns in Brazil.


vila operadora operative town geografia análise urbana planejamento regional minas gerais company town urban analysis regional urbanization cidade-empresa urbanização regional cidades e vilas minas gerais

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