Functionality, cognition and depression with institutionalized elderly have suffered falls in the city of Rio Grande/RS. / FUNCIONALIDADE, COGNIÇÃO E DEPRESSÃO EM IDOSOS INSTITUCIONALIZADOS QUE SOFRERAM QUEDAS NA CIDADE DO RIO GRANDE/RS.




The study aimed to: general - to analyze the influence of changes in functionality / cognition and depression in the presence of falls in elderly residents in Homes for the Aged in southern Brazil. Specifics: to identify positive aspects to falls in institutionalized elderly and to describe the profile of the elderly as functional capacity, cognition, depression and falls; propose Care System Nursing, health-oriented prevention of falls in institutionalized elderly. An investigation of a mixed nature: quantitative and qualitative. The subjects were thirty elderly residents in Home for the Aged in Rio Grande, RS, Brazil. Were instruments of data collection: Characterization of the institutionalized elderly, Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living KATZ, Mini Mental State Examination, Geriatric Depression Scale Short, Questionnaire for Risk of Falls, observation form for the risk of falls in the Homes for the Aged. Analysis of data was the basis of their involvement in the Excel program, followed by treatment with SPSS 13.0. Then developed the proposals to the actions of Nursing aimed at preventing falls in elderly residents. We were able to identify that there are in Homes for the Aged investigated, some favorable aspects to the falls of the elderly, such as the presence of unevenness on the ground and poor lighting. It was found that thirteen had elderly falls, with most females, more such accidents occurred in elderly patients with advanced age and less time living in the Home for the Aged, showing the importance of adaptation to the environment. In relation to functional capacity, most of the elderly who fell were those for the independent ADL; twenty elderly who had a score suggestive for cognitive impairment, ten showed declines. There were no significant between presence of depression and falls in the study population. It is believed that through this study it is possible to help reduce the vulnerability of elderly residents of Home for the Aged and the falls, assisting in the prevention / care through the development of actions / strategies that are feasible, contributing to improved functionality, cognition and minimizing depression.


avaliação geriátrica home for the aged enfermagem instituição de longa permanência para idosos geriatric assessment acidentes por quedas nursing accidental falls enfermagem

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