From open form to indeterminacy : procedures of employment of hasard in the brazilian music for piano / Da forma aberta a indeterminação : processos da utilização do acaso na musica brasileira para piano




The main purpose of this essay is to analyse music pieces of the Brazilian repertoire for piano that use processes of chance (Open Form, Aleatory Music, Improvisation and Indeterminacy). This essay begins with the historic context of the use of chance in the 20th Century, trying to establish its antecedents and its origins in the musical scenery afier World War lI. The ideas of John Cage and Pierre Boulez are discussed and analysed based on the study of texts and pieces of these composers. The processes of use of chance are also examined in the pieces of others composers and in Brazilian music. The analysis of pieces of the Brazilian repertorire begins with a discussion of parameters selected for analytical purposes, which are based on the study of notation, on the use of chance and on other materials and composition techniques. From a review of musical notation in the 20th Century, a glossary of notation for piano was developed, which included the main symbols . of notationin the pieces focusedon. The conclusiontries to placethe Brazilianpieces in the context of intemational production, establishing possible relations derived from our research findings, especially in the aspects of notation and use of chance. This essay aims to study and publicize Brazilian contemporary music, as well as contribute to the studies of 20thcentury music in general. Keywords: Brazilian Music of 20thCentury, Chance, Piano, Musical Analysis


piano music - brazil - 20th century musica - brasil - sec.xx chance analise musical acaso musical analysis piano

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