François Delsarte : personagem de uma dança (re) descoberta




Francis Delsarte (1811-1871) is considered a legend in France, his home land, and also in the dramatic art universe. Known as "the gesture theorical" Delsarte has developed a major theory about human expression entitled "Applied Esthetic". Delsarte was a drama man, a music man. He also was a singer, a spoker, a philosopher who gathered within his smaB studio in Paris, in the middle 19" Century, great names in art, politics and religion. Men who were interested in rhetoric and eloquence, arts which he developed and showed with virtuosity. From a strict methodology, he observed man and his body through his various actions in daily life: hospitals, parks, schools, streets, cafes. Completely focused in the Scienticifism from the 19 Century, he created a number of laws and principals that would order, rationally, the expression of the body, which was imagined by Delsarte as a work of art, a divine creation. Delsarte influences a whole generation of "body pedagogues", in the United States of America and in Europe in the late 19 century and early 20 century. His theory was adopted, with high or low strictness, by numerous helds of knowledge, such as the dramatic art, physical and moral education, gymnastics and, finally, the dance, which granted visibility to his ideas concerning the bodily expression. There is yet a lot to be known about the dancing artisan of the body Francis Delsarte. A few tracks of his reveries about the body are contained within this work.


dança expressão corporal teatro arte expressão

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