Fracionamento termico e obtenção de gorduras de cupuaçu alternativas a manteiga de cacau para uso na fabricação de chocolate




Thermal analyses of natural cupuaçu fat (Theobroma grandiflorum Schumann) acquired in Manaus, AM, were made by Differential Thermal Analyses with a DSC, and indicated similar polimorphic behavior to cocoa butter. When submitted to traditional tempering process used for cocoa butter, both fats crystallized preferenciaty in the Forms IV and V. The composition in fatty acids and in triglycerides, obtained by chromatography, as well as the cupuaçu solid fat content curve, obtained by RMN, suggest the use of specific cupuaçu fat fractions, in mixture with palm oil fractions, to obtain cocoa butter altematives (CBA s) with good melting characteristics for the manufacture of chocolates and/or simitar producs. Natural cupuaçu fat was neutralized and submitted to dry thermal fractionation in a 3 I crystallization vessel. A (31 X 21) factorial design was set up, with a 3-level variation of the crystallization temperature (26, 28 e 30°C) and 2-level variation of the stirrer speed (10 e 20 rpm), implying in six treatments with repetition, totalizing 12 tests. The stearin fraction showing the most adequate properties, denominated E30/20, was obtained at a crystallizing temperature of 30°C and at a rotation of the mixer of 20 rpm, with a total fractionation time of 11 hours and 15 minutes. Mixtures of E30/20 with deodorized palm mid fraction produced three fats that could be classified as Cocoa Butter Equivatents (CBE s), attending the analytic criteria established by the European Union (UE). Eighteen chocolate formulations (milk, dark and white) were developed, varying the composition of the fat phase by substituing 16% of the cocoa butter with the altematives butter, and six standard chocolate formulations, using on/y cocoa butter. Physical, chemical and sensorial evaluations of the chocolates showed no differences between the chocolate produced with and without the CBA s


cupuaçu oleos e gorduras polimorfismo (cristalografia) chocolate

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