Fracasso escolar e queixa do professor: uma relação a ser investigada.




The school problems and requests for psychological evaluation and other health professionals are accomplished through the identification of students who have any kind of difficulty learning. This study aimed to identify in the teachers discourse perceptions or representations that may affect the process of literacy acquisition, due to stereotypes or prejudice related to teachers subjectivity. This research studies the relationship between claims and school failure, trying to verify whether the understanding that the teacher has about the students literacy, early viewed by the records of surveys on the chances of writing, interferes in literacy itself. There were two interviews with seven basic teachers of the first cycle of basic education in a public school, in a city of São Paulo. From the analysis of interviews recorded and transcribed, it could be stablished the categories of subjects, whose analysis brought up the possibility of seeking the underlying discourse expressed in the educators reports. The issues raised were considered based on the Theory of Complexity formulated by Edgar Morin, which take into account the notions of subject and subjectivity, as well as operators of complexity: the dialogic, holographics and recursive principles. To think about education in a complex perspective means working in a complex view of knowledge construction that involves the stablishment of the relations occured during the learning process. It was verified that many students are stigmatized in advance because of stereotypes or prejudices related to subjectivity and representation of the teachers.


subjetividade fracasso escolar educacao complexity school failure. complexidade subjectivity

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