Fotojornalismo: realidades construídas e ficções documentais / Fotojornalismo: realidades construídas e ficções documentais




Our trajectory in photojournalism, marked by thirteen years of work as a reporter and photographic editor of the company Empresa Folha da Manhã S.A. allowed us to know, in practice, the process of creation an photojournalistic image. Despite the international production relatively abundant and the work of renowned Brazilian professionals in the area, the production on the theoretical aspects of photography in contemporary is still incipient in Brazil, especially with regard to technological innovations and their impact on photojournalism. Among the most instigatings issues of research and theory of the image are the tensions between reality and fiction and ethics and ideology. According to the editors accepted parameters, a good photograph is one that can combine the accuracy of the information with a convincingly plastic beauty. In photojournalism, more than any other mode of use of the photograph, the photographic record needs to be understood in its genesis, as a document such as a real certificate not only that the fact happened, but that it happened just the we see in the photograph published in the vehicle. Since then, how can we think on accurate information or true if we know in advance that when the photographer documents an event in space-time it is invariably, in the photographic act, unstick that cut of reality of its context, interpreting the fact based on his culture and his ideology? In photojournalism, these tensions are revealed especially in the search of the possible balance between information and plasticity, and its nature that requires that the news remains strongly connected to a referential and their need to win the attention of the readers contemporary look, in a tough battle fought on the pages of newspapers and magazines with the idealized and technically perfect images of advertising. Therefore, this dissertation, which arises from the experience of those who knew the mechanisms that govern the appearance and the execution of a photographic pauta, seeks to expand the space for discussion in the Brazilian production. Also, aim to analyze, by crossing our experience with the contemporary literature about the representation of the facts in press, the possible changes in the concept of photographic as a document, from the period of deployment of colors in printing the brazilianss newspaper untill today, and the advent of digital cameras in editors of newspapers. Finally, we also intend to show, throughout images of violence gathered in press, how this process can corroborate to the photojournalists and their enterprises to do, unconsciously or not, the use of photography as a tool for the creation, propagation and perpetuation of stigmas and prejudices in society. To systematize theoretical and critically our experience obtained during our career as a journalist, editor-reporter of photography and thus contribute to the discussion about the profession we have chosen, is one of the main reasons that led us to propose as the subject of this research an analysis of photojournalism from its production from different perspectives.


journalism photo manipulation fotografia manipulação fotográfica photojournalism fotojornalismo jornalismo photography

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