Formação de professores: um estudo sobre a apropriação das idéias de Nóvoa, Perrenoud e Sacristán nas dissertações e teses dos programas de pós-graduação de Santa Catarina, de 2000 a 2005




The objective of this research is to show how the ideas of the authors Antônio Nóvoa (1954-), Philippe Perrenoud (1944-) and José Gimeno Sacristán (1945-) are appropriated in the dissertations and theses defended for postgraduate Stricto sensu courses of universities in Santa Catarina. It is an extension of another study carried out in the research group "Culture, School and Creative Education", entitled "Vertentes Teórico-Metodológicas Norteadoras dos Estudos sobre Formação de Professores na Pós-Graduação em Educação em Santa Catarina". (Theoretical and Methodological Directions Guiding Studies on Teaching Training at Postgraduate Level in Education in Santa Catarina). The data, extracted from works (research corpora), were analyzed using the method of content analysis, in order to unveil categories. The results of the research show that the authors are more frequently cited as Resource than as Authority. The references support a positioning of the researcher, free of the need to search for more evidence for their argumentation. The recourse to the author transfers the responsibility of the researchers statements to the author cited. The citations referred to in the works take the form of Legitimization of the Ideas Defended, which consists of justifying the researchers arguments and appealing to his/her ideas, as though the author were a defense lawyer. The contributions of this research consist of methodological suggestions based on a careful review of the references, proposing new research perspectives in teacher education.


international authors professores - formação teacher training formação de professores teses e dissertações autores internacionais educacao theses and dissertations

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