Formação de professores de língua inglesa em um curso de licenciatura: processos identitários




This study aimed at investigating the representations, which constitute the imaginary of teachers and students of a course of languages and related literatures, concerning the English language and its role towards the world today. It was also our aim to find out whether the political and ethical dimensions related to the English language are problematized during their formation, specifically during the classes of disciplines which are more closely related to students formation. The hypothesis underlying our study was that the way professors and students conceive of those two dimensions (political and ethical) related to the English language have contributed for the adoptions and of naïve stances and conceptions concerning the teaching and use of the English language. Data were gathered through interviews conducted with five professors who teach at referred course, and through a questionnaire, which was answered by 36 students. Results, in a general sense, reveal that issues related to ethics and politics, as far as language practices are concerned, have not been discussed in the context of formation of English teachers, and they not been perceived as an important point to be included in the syllabus of the disciplines related to their formation. This was revealed through the linguistic manifestations of both professors and students. Only one of the two professors interviewed showed evidence of being constituted in a critical and discursive perspective, which takes these issues (political and ethical) into account during students formation. Thus, we could say that the emphasis of the course seems to be on the teaching of the English language per si, and on the methods, approaches and procedures to be adopted during the classes.


política análise do discurso língua inglesa formação de professores teacher formation ethics Ética língua inglesa estudo e ensino politics formação de professores linguistica english language discourse analysis

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