. / Formação de agentes comunitários de saúde na região amazônica: o uso de videoconferência como ferramenta auxiliar na educação em saúde bucal




The objective of this study is to present a methodology for distance learning through videoconferencing to train Community Health Workers for the prevention and oral health education. It were prepared twelve modules to be developed within one year, and each module consisted of a face class and not a face. The themes adopted in these modules will allow the Community Health Agents multiply the acquired knowledge in micro-areas in which they operate. The proposed measuring instrument was a questionnaire to be applied before, during and after the training, consisting of questions related to oral health. Videoconferencing as an auxiliary tool for teaching is an alternative to the training of ACS, as the municipalities of the Amazon region are located far from the large training centers and hinder access to these professionals. The planning application in the Amazon does not exclude the possibility of applying the methodology presented here in other geographical areas of difficult access.


educação a distância technology videoconferencing tecnologia oral healthcares educação em saúde bucal distance education videoconferência

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