"Formação continuada em educação física para professoras de educação infantil: a técnica do diário de aula " / CONTINUING PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE FOR PRESCHOOL TEACHERS: THE DIARY WRITING INTERPRETATIVE RESEARCH METHOD




With this work, it is investigated the reflexion process, upon the pedagogical practice, of four teachers from a public preschool (EMEI) at São Paulo during continuing physical education course based on diaries writing interpretative research method. We analyzed diaries patterns, tasks and dilemmas and interviews content analyze. At the first diaries the teachers didn’t consider the objectives and content during class evaluation, keeping involved by “tangled emotions” that make up the reflexion in action. When the writing diaries and the collective discussions became part of their working routine, they could notice the main students’ difficulties related to fundamental skills and to the work with rhythm, circuits, file squads and learning centers (stations). The play contributed in discussions about understanding, building and respect many rules. There were difficulties outside the class that showed the material and pedagogical support importance, as to increase the salaries and to guarantee the full-time journey to the teachers. It supposes enough time for all activities without overburden work. With the children involvement in decisions, during the class, it became possible to understand their thinking way, to make them help with the class goal and to make planning and reflexion easier.


preschool physical education diaries continuing education diários educação física infantil formação continuada

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