Follow up of preterm and lowbirthweight families experiences in Cascavel-PR / Experiências de famílias no seguimento de crianças pré-termo e de baixo peso ao nascer no município de Cascavel-PR




The purpose of this qualitative study is to understand the preterm (PT) infant and lowbirthweight (LBW) families experiences discharged of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), by subsidizing the nursing care. The empirical part consists of interviews recorded inside six families homes of Cascavel-PR, who were followed by home visit during the three first months after being discharged. This is a qualitative approach, in the hermeneutic perspective. We approached of the families by means of the genogram and ecomap, in those contacts appearing data that were analyzed and grouped evolving two subjects: the hospital to home transition: the care carrying; the infant following: in search of interaction and care. The main aspects that emerged in the family experiences are connected to the management of the daily care routine with the PT and LBW; the management of the breastfeeding and food; the changes in the family routine; the experiences with the health service in the first month after being discharged; the concerns with the child s growth and development; the repercussions in the family routine in the second and third month after being discharged; the experiences with the specialized health services and the primary care and the social net support of those families. The infant PT and LBW following in the family context may advance from the risky clinical to the extended following into the primary care service. It might begin in the first week after the discharge because this is a critical period for the infant adaptation at home, as well as the parents adaptation to the routine of the infant care. The way the families take care of the infants may be connected to the way the practices are organized and to the lifestyle of those people. This situation shows the need of integration between the health practices of the infant in the hospital care service and in the clinical and in the primary care attention, leading to the health care. Finally, it is necessary to reconstruct the nursing practice for the attention to the PT and LBW health after being discharged from the NICU, by articulating the technical and practical knowledge.


enfermagem family prematuro baixo peso ao nascer follow up lowbirthweight seguimento família premature nursing

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