FINDING THE VALUE OF LEISURE AND UNVEILING THE DRAMA LIVING / Descobrindo o valor do ócio e desvendando o drama do viver




This paperwork has the purpose to analyse many aspects conected to the individual in the contemporary times, proposing a method to sensitize the individual to find the value of this new time, space, experience, living, ocupation, expression and atributes of life; specifically reflecting the need of a preparation for that. And for that matter it was opted for a psicodramatic method, that is biased toward this research for a bigger, better and faster way to sensitize to the living and experiment on idleness and discover more about the dramas of life, through the concept and dimensions of the idleness created by the University of Deusto, in Bilbao in Spain, inserted in the understanding of the classic idleness and the relations with greek mythology, using symbolic languages developed by the creation of clay sculptures. It begins with a problem of how can an individual conquer healthy landings with himself, with the other and with the world; its understood by healthy landing the meeting by the individual of a time, space, experience, living, ocupation, way of expression and atributes of life; how the individual can get over the several obstacles and be active and interfere in this process of self knowlegdement to the meeting with the value of this new: time, space, experience, living, ocupation, way of expression and atributes of life and how the individual can learn to celebrate life, in a fare mesuring of the creation and for the use of the noble, good and beautiful. The research make it possible the flourish to the sensitize to the propositions of changing of values, habilities, knowledge and atitudes, by your openning to experience the creative dimension, by recognizing the meanings and the relations with the style of life of the characteres interviewed, and, the identification with itself, the place that idleness has to occupy in your life. Passwords: Idleness. Psicodramatic Methodology. Greek Miths.


Ócio - aspectos psicolÓgicos - dissertaÇÕes psicodrama - dissertaÇÕes psicologia social psicoterapia - dissertaÇÕes

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