Feedback in higher courses for the formation of teachers of elementary school in distance learning / Feedback em curso superior de formação de professores das séries iniciais na modalidade a distância




Distance education is a teaching modality which is being developed in many public and private institutions. However, what can be noticed is that there are many problems to be solved in this matter, such as the lateness that might occur in the learning process and the lack of motivation from the students. As on-site tutor of a distance course, we believe that computer-mediated interactions can help virtual students and teachers overcome the challenges imposed by this new educational scenario. Thus, we intend to examine an edition of a distance college course in Pedagogy offered by UFSCar (Universidade Federal de São Carlos), and verify how feedback from virtual tutors, produced as part of the evaluation for the activities done by the students, contribute to the commitment of learners in their learning process, and what strategies can be used by these tutors to promote this commitment. To achieve this objective, we were based on theoretical fundaments of Social Constructivist conception about learning, which has Vygotsky (2007) as its main representative, and on authors who discuss the pedagogical mediation in online context. To accomplish the analysis of the corpus, we had the model of genre analysis proposed by Bhatia (1993) as our methodological background. We were able to understand that the feedback can improve the commitment from students in their learning process. For this, the tutor posture must be characterized by a pedagogical mediation which takes into account the Social Constructivist conception of learning, an idea of evaluation with formative intention, and a collaborative and motivational language


análise de gênero mediação pedagógica pedagogical mediation educação a distância feedback distance education lingua portuguesa genre analysis

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