Fatores condicionantes da adoção de tecnologia da informação pelas organizações.




This dissertation work is about the Information Technology (IT) adoption process in the organizations. Its objective is to verify which factors can be determinants in the decision making about these technologies, using as referential the technological diffusion processes, mainly the network effects, positive feedback and path dependence. A second referential used in this work was about the switching costs due to technology substitution. Based on these referential it was formulated a framework, which was submitted to validation through an empirical research. To reach this objective, a survey was made from organizations (from both public and private sectors), located in Salvador, Bahia. Data was collected through self applied questionnaires from IT managers. From a total of 82 organizations contacted, 13 sent the questionnaires back, representing 17%. Based on the collected data analysis, a diagnosis about the determinant factors from the IT adoption process in these organizations was obtained, through the perception expressed by their managers that act as decision makers in this process.


redes de computadores organização administração ciencias sociais aplicadas tecnologia da informação

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