Familia e o eu dos filhos : uma perspectiva fenomenologica




The researched theme " Family and the Ego of the Sons: a Phenomenologic Perspective" was fundamented in the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, characterized by the investigation of the history of knowledge and its purpose was the retum to the origin of things which implicates in the discovery of means for the approach of the studied phenomenon. Starting from the respective description and interpretation it aimed to show and identify how are explicited the phenomenon estructures.The research intended to look for, through testimoniet, the interrelations between the Ego ofthe sons and the family in the city of Rio de Janeiro. In this way, were studied the answers to the following questions: I) What familiar relations were registered whit more frequency in the sons Ego reports? 2) How were characterized the constructed images by the sons refering to the fathers? 3) What situations in the familiar context we can deduce had bigger influence in the Ego of the sons?In the familiar relations, the colleted data suggested the predominance of situations involving love, dignity, respect, familiar intimacy, family sentiments, confidence, dialogue and other positive elements. So, one could assume that the family is able of promote experiences to permiting to the son emotional security feelings, adaptation to various vital positions with a conscientious planning of his future activities, that would act in benefic form in the determination of the son Ego.On the other side, the research results seems to indicate tOOt some of the familiar situations influence in the sons Ego, like the fathers separation, the death of one the fathers, financial dificulties regarding family unemployment etc, creating a stressing familiar environment, that probably affected the characterization of the sons Ego.We also, can suppose that the fathers do not perceive they transmit to their sons their significative experiences, his values (cultural, moral, religious etc.), expectatives of rules, as well as in sons testimonies is suggested the probability of the fathers influencing Ín the son s attitudes and conduct. The sons seem to describe the fathers image, as a product ot their direct experience with them


pais e filhos familia fenomenologia subjetividade

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