Família de negros na periferia de Salvador: entre a pobreza e a herança cultural




This work searches to understand the relations between the African cultural inheritance and of the slavery and the organization of the family of Negroes in the slum quarters of Salvador. Some theoretical analyses concerning the poverty and family concepts are made, defining them and searching to understand its mutual relations. On the concept of family, it makes an evaluation of the idea of nuclear conjugal family and the discussion of its functions; about the poverty, the definition proposal disentails it of any moral approach, usual in some definitions, limiting it to its economic reality. A vision of the history of the negro familiar constructions is also given, since its origins in Africa, passing by the familiar possibilities constituted by the Negroes in captivity, until the undertaken familiar experiences during the Republic, and specially in Salvador, through bibliographical analyses, without consultations to the primary historical sources, for comparisons between this historical reality and the current familiar constructions in the city of Salvador. An empirical research made in Bairro da Paz is related, periphery of Salvador, where the referring data to the familiar organizations, its members and its social relations are analyzed, in order to understand and to verify if, beyond the influence of the poverty in the familiar social structures, there is also the presence of the cultural inheritance on these organizations. These data are compared with the historical information and a research made in another quarter in Salvador, with important cultural influence of slavery: Liberdade. These informations allow to this study the conclusion that the contemporaries families of Negroes in poverty situation found in the periphery of the capital of Bahia do not suffer influence of a historical-cultural inheritance, but are organized in function of the social conditions under which they live its daily, the poverty, therefore possess characteristics that are found in other similar social situations, despite the ethnic and cultural differences, as the bigger feminine presence in the support of the family, greater amount of aggregated members, relations of affinity and loyalty permeating the familiar relations, amongst other characteristics. This study penetrates, also, a discussion concerning the families of slaves, alive debate in the Brazilian historiography, concluding for its existence in very specific conditions, because of the difficulties found in the slavery system for the achievement of a steady family, independent of its structure.


escravidão pobreza poverty negro sociologia family família negro slavery

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