Experiences with infertile couples that use reproductive medicine: a psychoanalytical study. / Experiências com casais inférteis que utilizam a medicina reprodutiva: um estudo psicanalítico.




This study relates the emotional experiences of infertile couples who decided to seek help in reproductive treatment. The objectives were: to investigate and analyze the main emotional reactions experienced by couples during the fertility treatment; to study the consequences of the reproductive treatment in couples bonds as well as their bonds with the medical staff and the psychologist; to understand the psychic representations of the desire to have children when associated to a reproductive treatment, and to describe the psychologists impressions and emotional experience in regard to the couples subjected to the study. Six couples with different medical diagnosis for infertility, seeking for medical treatment for such a problem were surveyed as primary source of information. For the purpose of the study were used methods and techniques such as the psychoanalytical method applied to the couple group − special group − according to Käes (1977) and Anzieu (1993), as well as he technique of non-directive interview of Bleger (1993), and the projective technique of free drawings. The technique of content analysis proposed by Mathieu (1967) and Käes (1977) was used to analyze the material collected. Psychoanalysis and group analysis theories were employed in the interpretation of couples subjective experiences. From the analysis of the interviews and drawings, some elements in the couples group mentality could be identified, among them the hipercatexization of the desire to have children. The difficulties associated to satisfying such desire unchained a regressive movement and also defensive reactions. The attempt to preserve omnipotent fantasies has compromised the process of tolerance to frustration and to the capacity to wait, or reformulation of the couples projects. Persecutory-related anguishes were broken out, mainly in the elements of the couples whose personality aspects happened to be compromised the most. Infertility diagnosis as well as the various different fertility treatments led to the unstructuring of couples bonds. We could observe the loss of intimacy and decrease in sexual desire after successive fertility treatments that break link between sexual intercourse and the reproductive act. Both the desire to transmit genetic heritage forward and the appreciation of biologic child are still part of couples psychic representations. The biological-child, from the same blood, is the dreamt and idealized child. The satisfactory bond that the couple established with medical staff has interfered in how safe they feel and in their levels of hope and confidence that the fertility treatment will yield positive results. The majority of the couples managed to establish satisfactory bonds with the psychologist, using the interview session as a way to freely express their emotional experiences. The experience with infertile couples on one hand has allowed to increase their level of sensitivity in regard to the emotional phenomena associated to infertility, and on the other hand has helped such couples to think about appropriate means to deal with some problems that are a consequence of this situation. The method used in this study has assured good conditions for research and analysis once it has made possible the proper interpretation of the relationships between the elements of the couple, between the couple and the institution and of the couple and the psychologist. A work of such transference nature is based on the assumption that it is possible to understand the intensity of the psychic representations of the couple group. We recommend the creation of new environments where infertile couples can keep on freely discussing their desires, difficulties, fantasies and hopes, making it easier to understand the experiences originated from infertility.


infertile couples reproductive medicine psicologia vivências emocionais psychoanalytical study vínculo estudo psicanalítico emotional experiences medicina reprodutiva casais inférteis attachment

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