Exame médico periódico e qualidade de vida no trabalho no serviço público federal




This study was perceived in a financier institution from federal public service. It arised from a written report coming from the data of Periodical Medical Examination (PME) that occurred in 2004. the department of adjustment of this one was the place indicated for the following stages of study. The purpose of study was to verify the relation among the main results of Periodical Medical Examination (PME) and the critic indicators identified in a unit of the institution that could compromise the Quality of Working Life (QWL). It must be salient that the concept and conception of Ergonomy Activity orientated the methodological course and the analysis of data. Meanwhile, the analysis of the activity, the basic stage of Ergonomic Work Analysis (EWA), was not consummated so, its method was not used stricto sensu. There were 31 graduated analysts, five of which were female (16%) and 26 (84%) were male. The methodological course joined documental analysis, free observation (medium time of 15 hours), individual interviews (n=31), analysis of thematical categorical context of the interviews, individual interviews to the colletion of a report of case and validation. The main result of PME pointed to the predominancy of complaints in relation to relative dimension of the carp, the uncomfortable temperature at work places, the financial problems of workers and the absence of motivation at work. In this referred department, the complaints about the carp were validated. Nevertheless, other problems arised in relation to the organization of work. This feature was not regarded in the implement of collection of data of PME, making evidence to a compressed view of health-illness process in work context. The professional-social corporation represented a positive dimension in the department that contributed to the promotion of QWL. It was also possible to point the necessity of PME to regard the central analytical dimension: the professional-social incorporation, the circumstance and organization of work, considering the work in its complexity. The research raised prediagnosis that supplied basis for a more deepened ergonomical study.


ergonomia da atividade exame médico periódico psicologia organizacional engenharia humana ergonomia ergonomy activity cuidados médicos periodical medical examination qualidade de vida no trabalho saúde pública - administração psicologia do trabalho e organizacional quality of working life

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