Evolução hematológica e do conteúdo de ferro em recém-nascidos de termo e pré-termo tardios, com e sem crescimento intrauterino restrito, durante os primeiros dois meses de vida / Hematological and iron content evolution in term and late pre-term newborns, with and without intrauterine growth restriction, during the first two months of life


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Iron (Fe) acts in several metabolic processes, especially neurodevelopmental ones, which body content is still the difficult access and could be influenced by factors, such as, prematurity and Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). This study aimed at describing the hematological evolution and iron body content in Term (T) and Late Pre-Term (LPT) Newborns (NB), with and without IUGR, exclusive breastfeeding, during the first two months of life, and analyzing the prematurity influence, UGR presence and nutritional evolution. 95 NB were included: Group 1A, 25 LPTNB without IUGR, Group 1B, 24 LPTNB with IUGR, Group 2A, 21 TNB without IUGR and Group 2B, 25 TNB with IUGR. The presence of IUGR was determined by birth weight


anemia anemia ferro fetal growth retardation iron neonatologia neonatology newborns premature prematuro recém-nascido retardado do crescimento fetal

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