Evidências para um modelo de língua baseado no uso: o infinitivo flexionado em português brasileiro / Evidences to an usage-based language model: the inflected infinitive in Brazilian Portuguese


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In light of usage-based models (Langacker, 2000), which assume that the fundamental principles of linguistic structure derive from the experience with language, the aim of this study is to contribute to the investigation of the continuous update of linguistic knowledge, especially by exploring the question of how some innovations propagate and are incorporated in speakers\ grammars. To address this open question in the usage-based literature, the in ected innitive, which modern grammarians consider intriguing (Cunha &Cintra, 2008), was investigated. After selecting some innitive constructions which show variation between the in ected and unin ected forms, the variation in the usage of the innitive in these constructions was quantied in a syncronic standard written corpus. To obtain the data, a corpus containing 11.000.000 words and consisting of 180 theses and dissertations written by students of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Social Sciences of University of S~ao Paulo was compiled and named Corpus LLIC-PosLetrasUsp. Given the size of the corpus, the data extraction was achieved automatically through the use of the open software R, considered the most powerful concordancer available at the moment (Gries, 2009). Depending on the constructions in which the innitive occurs, the results point to dierent tendencies in the usage of the in ection. Even though there is no preference for the in ection in constructions such as modal and aspect periphrases, in causal, nal and temporal clauses, for instance, the preference for in ected forms is clear. Because usage-based models assume that there is a correlation between the frequency of occurence of a structure and its degree of entrenchment, the high frequency of occurence of the in ected innitive in dierent syntactic contexts, including contexts in which where the innitive subject is clear, shows that the in ection of the innitive is becoming continuously more entrenched in speakers\ grammars. Thus, this study highlights the importance of frequency studies in the investigation of linguistic phenomena and in the grammatical description of natural languages. This study also presents the sketch of a proposal named A more dynamic and a more social usage-based model, which, by incorporating the view of the \\third wave\"of sociolinguistic investigation (Campbell-Kibler, 2008, 2009; Eckert, 2005, 2008), represents an initial attempt to accommodate variation theory within the usage-based framework.


brazilian portuguese corpus cognitive linguistics in ected innitive infinitivo flexionado linguística cognitiva de corpus modelos de língua baseados no uso português brasileiro usage-based models variação linguística variation

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