Everyday familiar and life quality of care dependant individuals Family Health Program, Viçosa/MG / Cotidiano familiar e qualidade de vida de usuários dependentes de cuidado - Programa de Saúde da Família, Viçosa/MG




This research was designed to comprehend the actual daily life and the quality of familiar systems that take care of a dependant individual, within the Family Health Program (PSF) context. The research of quality and quantity nature, was based on the systemic theory and on the signification nets, using the case study. For this purpose, the PSF groups of Nova Viçosa, Amoras and Cachoeirinha, in the municipality of Viçosa, were selected. In the data collection process, documental registrations and interviews with the professionals of the Family Health Team (ESF), the family units and the dependant individuals were used. The results showed that the activities developed by the ESF with the families basically involved the guidance on how to care for the dependant. The dependence period, considered moderate and light, according to the Barthel index, varied from 20 day to 14 years, and, in most of the cases, the causes were a result of neurologic diseases. The main change in the life of the family dependant was the fact that he or she could not work. Moreover, the dependence caused changes in the life of the family, mainly in relation to the increase of expenses and to the functions performed, considering that the caring woman had to adjust the out-of-the-house work, the household work and the care with the ill familiar. In the evaluation of the life quality of the dependant individuals, the social domain was the most expressive, which demonstrates the importance of the social nets, mainly the familiar one. The psychological welfare also contributed to the general overall life quality. The low contribution of the physical domain could be reflecting the hypothesis of homeostasis as to the condition of the individuals causing limitations to the social life and to the perception of the environment in which he or she was set. In face of this picture, it was concluded that the dependence is a matter that deserves attention from the public policies, and in the PSF a specific and more effective policy of the ESF capacitation and of attention for the caners is necessary, considering that the PSF represents a strong social net in the process of a more humanized care.


economia domestica programa de saúde da família qualidade de vida everyday familiar life life quality cotidiano familiar indivíduos independentes de cuidado family health program (brazil)

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