Evangelizar e politizar :O sentido da atuação da Igreja Católica com os sindicatos dos trabalhadores rurais no Seridó potiguar (1964-1979)




The purpose of this work is to analyze the influence of the Catholic Church on rural workers union in the Seridó potiguar region between 1964 to 1979. To the work developed by the Church is connected the beginning of workers union in the Seridó region. In this way, this research tries to understand what is also the politic direction of the labors union by means of the Cathólic Church that througt a process of creating Leagues have been looking for reinforcing and protecting catholicism as a way of maintaining its believers and distancing them from others movements such as Peasant League and the influence of Brazilian Communist Party. We use as sources oral narratives and newspaper A Folha, wich was published by the Parish Church of Caicó (RN) between 1954 to 1967. Some wrintten documents produced by workers union from the Seridó region were also used


sindicatos de trabalhadores rurais catholic church ciencias sociais aplicadas rural workers union seridó seridó igreja católica

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