Evaluation of the Transfer of Management in Perimeter Public of Irrigation: the case of Morada Nova / Avaliação do Programa de Transferência da Gestão em Perímetros Públicos de Irrigação: o caso de Morada Nova




This study focuses on the refl ective analysis on the process of transferring the management of the Irrigated Perimeter Morada Nova in the period between 2004 and 2007, when it occurs in the implementation of Plan Plurianual of the Federal Government for the 2004-2007 quadrennium. It is in this Plan Plurianual which the Program 1038 - Transfer of Public Management of the Lengths of Irrigation, establishing guidelines for transfer, ultimately, the management of the government to users of the irrigation system. The methodology used in this study involved a literature search and a documentary, including fi eld research involving irrigating of the Perimeter Irrigated Morada Nova, to represent a mirror of all perimeters implanted in the decade of seventy, and consultation with offi cial documents, complemented with technical reports . The study could understand that the process of transferring advanced management in the recovery of infrastructure, but no longer want to work for an appropriation of methodological techniques of this process with the community of users of the irrigation system. This study has also, identify the significant exception of not irrigating the participation and involvement in the process of transfer of management.


irrigated perimeter transfer of management associação dos usuários do distrito de irrigação do perímetro irrigado de morada nova irrigantes transferência da gestão organization of irrigants outros irrigação política governamental morada nova(ce) programa 1038-transferência da gestão dos perímetros públicos de irrigação irrigating perímetro irrigado organização dos irrigantes

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