Evaluation of diabetes mellitus care service at a District Basic Health Unit in Ribeirão Preto-SP, / Avaliação da atenção em diabetes mellitus em uma unidade básica distrital de saúde de Ribeirão Preto-SP




This case study had the purpose to evaluate the structure, process and outcome of the health care service to patients with diabetes mellitus seen at a District Basic Health Unit, in the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo state. A total of 138 diabetes mellitus patients health records were analyzed from January 2007 to July 2008. Data collection was perfumed using the patients health records, participant observation and the Municipal Medication List. The analysis was performed using the Evaluation of Health Care proposed by Donabedian (1980). Regarding the structure component: the organization of the areas harmed the general mood of the health care service to patients with diabetes mellitus. The professionals involved in providing health care services to patients with diabetes mellitus were physicians and nursing auxiliaries. Nurses records corresponded to 9.4% of the services delivered and 8.6% were done by pharmacist. Records of the services delivered by health care professionals, social worker, nutritionist, and dentist were not identified in the health records. The items located in the material resource unit were medications and materials to treat patients with diabetes mellitus. As for the process component: the analysis of the technical activities showed that body weight was verified in 98.6% and blood pressure in 100% of the health records. Data related to the patients1 nutritional evaluation, such as body mass index and checking their abdominal circumference had not yet been included in the units service. Foot evaluation was registered in 15.2% of the patients records, and eye evaluation in 4.3%. As for laboratory tests, it was found that fast glucose test results were registered in 93.5% of the records, and hemoglobin glycated in 81.2%. Patients lipid profile dose was registered in most records. Only 1.4% of the records presented data regarding the microalbuminuria analysis. Records of individual educational strategies regarding the patients food and exercise habits were 56.6% and 39.8%, respectively. Nursing auxiliaries were the professionals responsible for welcoming the patients. The nursing consultation was incipient for patients with diabetes mellitus. The pharmacist performed most the activities and competencies defined on the Diabetes and Hypertension Service Protocol. The data show there was a lack of communication between the health professionals at the unit. As for the characterization: the results showed that 90.6% of the users had diabetes mellitus type 2; with a median of 63 years, and were women. The mean time of treatment was 8 years with clinical follow-up with an endocrinologist. As for the outcome component: the group of indicators used to evaluate the outcome of the service provided to patients with diabetes mellitus at the BHU Dr. Marco Antonio Sahão showed that the unit met the minimum demands only for one of the 12 indicators for diabetes mellitus patient care. It is concluded that there is a need to reorganize diabetes care, with a view to improve the quality of the service provided to diabetes mellitus patients.


enfermagem quality indicators in health care sistema Único de saúde nursing: unified health system diabetes mellitus diabetes mellitus avaliação em saúde health evaluation indicadores de qualidade em assistência à saúde

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