Etnoictiologia de pescadores da praia do Pereque (Guaruja, São Paulo) / Ethnoichthyology of fishrmen of Pereque Beach (Guaruja, São Paulo)




Artisanal fishermen can provide an elaborate and particular knowledge about biology, ecology and taxonomy of fish and about the ecosystem which they interact with. This knowledge is local and resulted from a continuity of resources use practices. Information supplied by fishermen can be the base for improvements of scientific research and to subsidis for conservation and fishery management plans. This study was conducted in the Perequê Beach, coast of São Paulo State. Perequê Beach is located in the periphery of the city of Guarujá, and suffers consequences of the disordered urbanization. Local people are dedicated especially to the shrimp and diverse fish fishery. The aims of this study were: to characterize local fishermen and fishery; to access the fishermen’s knowledge concerning fish habitat, diet, reproduction and migration; to analyze the criteria that fishermen use in the classification of fish and to compare this knowledge with the scientific literature. Interviews using questionnaires and fish photographs were performed to obtain information regarding fishermen economical and social aspects and fish biology and ecology. The majority of shrimp fishermen are from Santa Catarina state while the fish fishermen are usually “caiçaras”, local native. Fishery technologies and techniques are adjusted according to the environment and feeding habits of the target species. Both fish and shrimp fishermen demonstrated similar knowledge on fishes. Probably it can be related to the fact that both groups develop their activities in the same local and are members of families that develop the two modalities of fishery, sharing their knowledge. In general, the ethnoecological knowledge is in concordance with the scientific literature. Both fish and shrimp fishermen know the habitat and diet of the main fished species, as: snook (Centropomus spp.), mullet (Mugil platanus), croaker (Micropogonias furnieri), and groupers (Epinephelus marginatus e Mycteroperca acutirostris). Both fishermen groups make inferences on habitat and diet based on morphologic aspects. Knowledge on migration and reproduction was scarcer. The fishermen points out specific periods in respect to occurrence of mullet (M. platanus), croaker (M. furnieri) and bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix). Mullet and croaker was suggested as a species that reproduces during the winter, while snook, and the groupers (E. marginatus e M. acutirostris) reproduce in hot months. These species have a great commercial interest that can explain the more detailed knowledge in detriment of others of lesser value. The Perequê fishermen use the binomial classification particularly in cases where there are more than one species in the same genus. The species were grouped in ethnofamilies mainly in accordance with morphologic criteria. The supplied information suggested particularities that can be useful in the management plans delineation in compliance with environment and its fishery place.


pesca etnoecologia marine fish pescadores peixe marinho fishery fishers ethnoecology

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