Etnoarqueologia dos Grafismos Kaingang : um modelo para a compreensão das sociedades Proto-Jê meridionais. / Ethnoarchaeology of Kaingang graphic representations: a model to understand southern Proto-Jê societies.




This study establishes a relation between archaeological record of the so called local ceramic traditions of the south of Brazil (Taquara, Itararé and Casa de Pedra), which I consider as southern Proto-Jê, and ethnographical, ethnohistorical, and linguistic records of southern Jê societies (Kaingang and Xokleng) aiming at a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of those southern Proto-Jê populations. Archaeological record left by those groups were analysed from the standpoint of their symbolic dimension mainly when it could be identified as part of a system of visual representations (graphic representations). Thus, an ethnoarchaeology of Kaingang graphic representations was undertaken in which the archaeological, ethnographical, ethnohistorical and linguistic records were related by mean of a cognitive approach which favours and interprets the production of meanings by southern Proto-Jê populations, especially their representations about social life, about natural and supernatural domains, and about death, based on ethnological studies of Kaingang society.


southern proto-jê groups grupos proto-jê do sul kaingang cultura material south brazil indian graphic representations kaing ethnoarchaeology etnoarqueologia material culture grafismo indígena

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