Estudo sobre a influencia do plano de orientação de Frankfurt alterado em +5o. e -5o. , nas mensurações verticais e angulares em telerradiografias postero-anteriores




The Frankfort horizontal plane is generally used as orientation plane, but the difficulty of obtaining correct parallelism in relation to horizontal, become difficult the reliability measures in studies craniofacial of postero anterior cephalometry. The sample consisted of 30 patiénts, each one was taken posteroanterior cephalometry in three positions: Frankfort horizontal plane parallel to horizontal, Frankfort horizontal plane forming -5° angle and Frankfort horizontal plane inclining +5° in relation to horizontal. Only one among the six angle measures showed significant statistically significant difference at levei 50/0, and among 11 vertical . linear measures, only three did not show statistically signifiaant difference. These results indicate that have alterations in the measurations in cases of inclination of 5° in the orientation plane and the angle mensurations are more reliant when compared the vertical mensurations. To be reliably the mensurations the cephalometrics landmarks need to be located in coronal anatomic plane near in posteroanterior cephalometrics radiography


cefalometria radiografia

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