Estudo morfossintático da língua sateré-mawé / Morphosyntatical study of the sateré-mawé language


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Studying Brazilian Indian languages represent an important contribution to the linguistic knowledge of languages worldwide. This work aims to present a description proposal for the morphological-syntactical aspects of Satere-Mawé (Tupi), an Indian language spoken by a population of around 8,500 people who inhabit the Indian land Andirá-Marau, in the middle Amazon river region – Amazon State. The theoretical focus adopted is the functional typology which has a presupposition the linguistic functional notion of the elements which make the linguistic system itself and its relation with other elements of the same system. There we have linked to this very same notion the possible interrelations between language and the Sateré-Mawé culture. Methodology is presented in two moments. The first one is related to the field word which aims to collect data and analyze such data still on field. The second one claims the analysis using the theoretical support which presents the language typology worldwide as well as the Brazilian Indian languages. Still searching the interconnections between language and culture, this paperwork is made of two parts. The first one brings information about the ethnographic, cultural and sociolinguistic aspects of the people. The second one presents phonological aspects as well as morphologic and syntactical ones. Taking into consideration the latter one, this one focus the word classes, the sentence structure, the reflexive clauses, the causative, reciprocal and possessive constructions, as well as the sentence combinations of multi-verbal clauses. The study of Sateré-Mawé language which is hereby presented, aims to present a contribution for the knowledge of Brazilian Indian languages, specifically the Amazonic ones.


língua sateré-mawé língua tupi Índios - línguas - morfossintaxe indios - línguas sateré-mawé language tupi language indians indians

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