Estudo in situ da rugosidade superficial de materiais hibridos de ionomero de vidro e resina composta submetidos a procedimentos de acabamento e polimento em função do tempo de permanencia na cavidade bucal




The purpose of this study was to evaluate the surface roughness of two polyacid modified composite resins and a resin modified glass-ionomer submitted to two finishing and polishing treatments, as afunction oftime, using an in situ experimental modelo A resin modified glass­ionomer Fuji II LC lmproved (GC) and two polyacid modified composite resins Compoglass F (Vivadent) and Dyract AP (Dentsply / DeTrey) were analyzed. Cylindrical specimens with standardized dimensions were made using each material (n= 20). Surface treatments were erformed with Sof-Lex (3M) discs or Enhance (Dentsply) tips. Specimens of control groups were not submitted to surface treatments. Twenty volunteers ware palatal appliances in which nine specimens were flXed, during 28 days. The same kind of toothbrush and dentifrice were supplied to each volunteer. Standardized brushing technique was directed to them in order to clean the appliances up. Average surface roughness (Ra) was measured with a roughness tester (Surfcorder SE 1700) immediatelyafter the treatment (1 0) and after 1 (1 1), 2 (1 2),3(1 3), 7 (1 7J, 14 (1 14), 21 (1 21), 28 (1 28) days, under oral conditions. Nine readingsfor each specimen were averaged to give a single value. Data were submitted to Analysis of ovariance considering To values the covariate. Sums of squares decompositions followed by Tukey s Least-significant difference were used to study significative interactions and pairwise comparisons, at 5% significance levei. There was statistically significant effect of interaction Material X Treatment at each time period, excepted T28. lnitially, specimens of materiais Compoglass F and Dyract AP treated with Sof-Lex were smoother than which were treated with Enhance. There was not statistically significant difference between treatments with Sof­Lex and Enhance for Fuji 11 LC lmproved, but both increased its roughness, comparing to controlo After the exposed time to the oral conditions, it was possible to conclude that glass­ionomer composite resin hybrid materiais finished and polished surfaces presented roughness that was similar to untreated ones, regardless of the polishing method


aspereza de superficie cimentos dentarios materiais dentarios

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