Estudo exploratário da sintaxe espacial como ferramenta de alocação de tráfego / EXPLORATORY STUDY OF SPACE SYNTAX AS A TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT TOOL




This research discusses features of configurational (Space Syntax) and traffic assignment models, aiming at evaluating the potential of Syntax for estimating possible powerful traffic routes. This theme is related to studies with this approach, intending to broaden the variety of alternative tools for transport projects. In this dissertation, comparative parameters between syntax and SATURN were developed, regarding theoretical, methodological and technical points of view. For the results, two kinds of analytical categories were applied: flow (visual and statistical) and routes. Findings presented a positive result, showing how a configurational tool such as space syntax axial map and, more precisely, segment map, can contribute to transport studies, mainly for the first investigation stage. In this situation, configuration models use was cheaper and faster than traffic models and gave a general overview which can work as a basis for transport traditional tools. Correlations were high, especially when on logarithmic basis, and the visual interpretation displayed similar sceneries for space syntax and SATURN.


segment analysis engenharia de tráfego saturn. vias de transporte traffic assignment models saturn. modelos configuracionais space syntax sintaxe espacial configurational models traffic engineering análise de segmento modelos de alocação de tráfego

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