Estudo dos padrões de refluxo nas veias safenas, pela ecografia vascular, em mulheres com insuficiência venosa crônica




Introduction and Objectives: Identify the reflux patterns in saphenous veins of women with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) by color-flow duplex scanning to identify the correlation between these patterns and the severity of CVI based on the CEAP classification and to evaluate the presence of saphenofemoral (SFJ) and saphenopoplital junction (SPJ) reflux and its relationship to CVI severity. Method: 1184 lower limbs of 672 female patients with CVI symptoms were evaluated. Only women with signs or symptoms of primary superficial or perforating veins CVI were included. The lower limbs were classified according to the CEAP classification and divided in 3 groups: mild (CEAP C1 e C2), moderate (CEAP C3) and severe (CEAP C4, C5 e C6). The collected data were demonstrated by frequencies and percentuals. Byers Theorem was used to evaluate the CEAP classification as a predictor of reflux patterns. The association between CEAP clinical classification and reflux patterns with or without saphenofemoral (SFJ) and saphenopoplital junction (SPJ) abnormality was analysed by the Qui-Square Test (p<0,05). Results: From the 1184 evaluated lower limbs, the majority (50, 2%) of them presented varicose veins without edema (CEAP 2). The most common pattern of reflux was the segmental in both greater (35,14%) and lesser (8%) saphenous vein, regardless the severity of chronic venous insufficiency. Saphenofemoral and saphenopoplital junction were the source of reflux in 12% and 6% respectively. Statistical significance was observed between CEAP clinical class severity and saphenofemoral (p=0,0009) and saphenopoplital junction (p=0,0006) reflux. Conclusions: Venous reflux begins mainly in saphenous veins segments and is caused by perforating or tributary veins. Saphenofemoral and saphenopoplital junction are not the most sources of reflux. The risk of junctional (SFJ or SPJ) reflux increases with clinical severity of CVI.


veia safena insuficiência venosa ultra-sonografia varizes cirurgia

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