Estudo do uso de orteses para punho e mão de pacientes com artrite reumatoide




Deformities of hands and wrists are common and even frequent with rheumatoid arthritis, due to the chronic inflammation process of the synovial membrane, causing pain, endema and stiffness of the joints. Today s literature indicates that splints provide some benefit in articular protection. The authors developed this study in order to define the exact benefit that patients with rheumatoid arthritis can have with the use of wrist and hand splints, in the correction of ulnar deviation of the fingers, the extent of active articular movement, the correction of deformities and pain relief. Method: Thirty patients with rheumatoid arthritis were analyzed for a period of one year. They were evaluated as to the extent or maintenance of active articular movement, correction of deformities and pain relief. The Wilcoxon test was used for statistical analysis for related samples. SF-36 quality of life evaluation was used and the resulting data was analyzed through descriptive analysis of the related items in the questionnaire. The data showed satisfactory results for articular protection, decrease in pain, reduction of mechanical stress force, increase in the extent of active articular movement and the correction of some of the deformities found. In relation to the thumb, fourth and frfth fingers, there was some difficulty in correcting these deformities. Note the significant statistical difference when comparing the mean related to pain, p=O.001,with an initial pain mean of6.17, through the analogical pain scale and the pain mean at the end of one year of treatment of 1.70. In the descriptive statistics of the items related to the SF-36 quality oflife evaluation, the data presented was below the mean of the group of reference. As to the question relating to the comparison between the initial general health and after one year oftreatment, 73.3% ofthe patients cited an improvement with the treatment. Therefore, splints for wrist and thumb of patients with rheumatoid arthritis should be recommended at the first sign of symptoms, in order to prevent deformities, maintain a wide range of articular movement and relieve pain. The use of splints for wrist and thumb with patients who have rheumatoid arthritis should be recommended at the very beginning of the disease in order to prevent deformities, maintain a wide range of articular movement and decrease pain


terapia ocupacional punhos artrite reumatoide - tratamento aparelhos ortopedicos

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