Estudo do reconhecimento de voz para o acionamento de equipamentos elétricos via comandos em português




The global world is dropping barriers through the information, began for the commercial and economical barrier, and in a future not very distant we can drop the barriers of the languages, in other words, people speaking in different languages, communicating through prepared digital equipments to translate the different pronounced linguistic expressions instantly for the same ones. This is the horizon to be reached by the voice recognition. In this new universe there would not be more the linguistic barrier among all the people, facilitating the communication and the businesses, simplifying the command of the industrial machines and above all, improving the human being life as a completely. Besides, this tool can facilitate the life of deficient physical. The voice command can have access the infinity of services and employments could help like this to drop the barrier of the prejudice. This study seeks to research, to describe and to apply the concepts and the theory involved in the process of the voice recognition, of this the acquisition to the recognition of the speech signal. The goal is to develop a system that is capable to command any electric equipment through voice commands. The objective of this dissertation is to give a litte step more the in the materialization of a process that was part of the science fiction films in the years 70 and 80 and it can become reality in the begin of the century XXI, "The Speech Recognition by Machines . XII


reconhecimento automático da voz sistemas de reconhecimento de padrões tradução mecânica automacao eletronica de processos eletricos e industriais processamento de sinais

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