Estudo do metabolismo do fósforo utilizando modelos matemáticos / Phosphorus kimetics using mathematical models




The phosphorus (P) is responsible for essential functions in ruminants as such energy transportation, phospholipids formation and buffer effect on rumen. The lack of this mineral can impair appetite therefore causing loss of weigh. However the excess of P provided leads to losses through excretion that can cause pollution when it reaches river and stream water. The objective of this work was to apply mathematical modeling as a tool to study P metabolism and kinetics in ruminants. Sixteen young male sheep were fed with diets containing sources of Ca and similar levels of P and Ca. After adaptation to diets the animals received a single injection of 7,4 MBq of 32P and 7,4 MBq of 45Ca. Collections of feces, urine and blood were made daily for 7 days for further P and Ca analyses. After animals were sacrificed, samples were collected from soft tissue (kidney, liver, heart and muscle) and bone for P and Ca analyses. In the first paper, the obtained data was used to revise Vitti model, and data from phytate P were added to the model. The results concerned to the fluxes obtained between bone and plasma (23,8 and 22,9 g/d) were greater than the fluxes between tissue and plasma (3,35 and 2,83 g/d) reflecting the better precision from the revised model. The model prediction for phytate P absorption and excretion can be further used in studies related do phytate P metabolism in ruminants. In the second paper, the treatments containing different Ca sources (limestone, alfalfa hay, citrus pulp and oyster shell meal) were compared using statiscal analyses from the fluxes obtained from two models: Vitti model revised (VD model) and Fernandez model revised by Lopes (FL model). The results concerned to the presence of net Ca in bone are in agreement between the two models; however the net Ca retention in tissue was greater for VD model. Both models showed the same pattern for P fluxes, as well as for net P retention in bone and tissue. The models reflected P metabolism in the same way. In the third paper, the Vitti model revised was used to assess the effect of different levels of P supplementation (0; 1,5; 3,0 and 4,5 g P/animal/ day corresponding to T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively) upon P metabolism in growing sheep. The higher value for P absorbed in bone was obtained by animals from T4 that also excreted the greater levels of P in feces. The T3 provided the best P level for this animal category because P absorbed in bone and tissue indicated that total P absorption was adequate. As final conclusion from the accomplished work, it can be claimed that the revised Vitti model is an important tool to be used to study P metabolism in ruminants


calcium cálcio fósforo ruminant nutrition metabolismo mathematical model phosphorus mutrição de ruminantes metabolism modelo matemático

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