Estudo do ambiente de trabalho em uma fábrica de ônibus : proposta de organização do trabalho em uma empresa semi-artesanal




This study presents as investigation object the employee in the scenery of a bus factory and his/her relation with the labor activities, using the Work Macroergonomic Analysis (WMA) as support. In this sense, the main objective of the thesis was proposing a socio-technical planning model with the effective participation of the workers for the semi artisanal process of a bus manufacturing company in the northeast of Santa Catarina. For this, the human factors were approached from the dimensions approved by Hendrick (2001) with emphasis on the non-satisfaction levels towards the organizational questions (tasks distribution), the perception of the technical questions of the work positions (content of work and qualification) and in relation to the personal meaning of work (life quality at work), including perception of pain or body discomfort. The study was carried out in a bus factory located in the city of Joinville/SC, in the divisions of the Mini-industry, Assembling I and Assembling II, with the participation of 453 employees of a total of 2,388 of the factory area. To the methodological scope the focal group technique was incorporated for the definition of the ergonomic demand items (EDIs), followed by the structuring of a construct with 46 extracts, divided in the predefined dimensions. The next step was the data tabulation and the statistic analysis for the extracts association and macro-ergonomic priorization. For the trust of the construct of the research tool the Alfa Test of Cronbach and other non-parametric statistic tests were used for the associations and formation of the homogeneous grouping of analysis. The results of the statistic analysis were priorized through a five-color scale that varies in function of the kind of the criticism observed, forming a macroergonomic priorization thermometer. In relation to the results, it was verified that the work carried out in the bus factory reunites a set of activities that are developed on the base of coordination and cooperation in teams in a dynamic and unstable decision environment. The proposed socio-technical model of planning incorporated the result of the WMA and the tacit knowledge of the workers who permeated all the considerations for its elaboration. It was concluded that the chosen methodological way, through the macroergonomy and the mentioned tool were sensitive to the variations of the perceptions pointed out by the employees of the researched factory. Therefore, the proposed model answers theoretically to the study object of the thesis once it provided the elements for the understanding of the productive process and supported the proposition of future improvements


engenharia de producao trabalho - organização - avaliação engenharia de produção production engineering onibus - industria ergonomia

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