Estudo de painéis de alvenaria estrutural sujeitos a ações perpendiculares ao plano




There are several cases of out-of-plane loaded masonry such as earth retaining walls, water reservoir, wind loaded panels and other. Thus, there is a lack of Brazilian technical literature in this topic. The aim of this thesis is to fulfill this lack and to be as a reference text to design such structures. The litterature review covers recommendations from several international references. The compiled analysis of those text tries to bring these to the Brazilian materials and technical approach. Several plastic methods to analyze masonry panels are presented and results from using these method to assess the required reinforcement are compared. A comparative analyses taking into account the Limit State and Allowable Stress design methods, considerind requirements from different intenational codes as MSJC 2005, ENV 1996 1 Eurocode 6 - Part 1-1 e 1-2, preliminary review version of NBR 10837/Sep.2005, BS 56281/1992; BS 56282/1995; BS 5628 5/1992), SAA AS 3700/1998 and CSA S304. 1/1994, are presented. As a closure a complete design example of a masonry panel case, a warehouse panel designed to resist lateral wind forces, is presented.


construcao civil estruturas painéis de parede alvenaria

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