Estudo de fÃrmacos e medicamentos manipulados em farmÃcias magistrais utilizados no tratamento de doenÃas reumatolÃgicas




With the improvement of manipulation pharmacies and the growth in manipulation of many active principles in the most varied concentrations and associations, questions have emerged related to the therapeutical effects of these medicines. Amongst those being questioned are the group of medicines used in the treatment of rheumatologic illnesses (TDR). Due to this, this paper intends to evaluate under different aspects the quality of these medicines and medicines from manipulation pharmacies used in TDR. To this end two methods were developed and validated, one for the simultaneous dosage of meloxicam (M), ciclobenzaprina (C), prednisona (P) and diacereÃna (D) through liquid chromatography of high efficiency (CLAE) and another bioanalitic, for the dosage of M in plasma, with selectivity for all the aforementioned medicines. A study was carried out on the thermal stability of the mixture of medicine as well as the long term stability o the medicines. The methodology of Mâs dissolution was developed using factorial analyses; capsules obtained from manipulation pharmacies in Recife were analyzed and a pilot clinical study using M as reference was carried out. The results show that there isnât any positive relation between the possible interactions observed in DTA and the study of the medicinesâ stability, in the time analyzed; both methods, analytical and bio-analytical, showed adequate specificities, selectivity, linearity, resistance, precision and accuracy; the dissolution conditions for M were standardized; the formulations evaluated met the standards required in this sector and even presenting a profile of dissolution similar to MovatecÂ, the manipulated formulation (T1) showed bioavailability in vivo of practically that of the reference, validating STORPIRTIS, 2004. The mixture of active ingredients studied (T2) doesnât effect the bioavailability in vivo of meloxicam, confirming that the possible formation of euthetic mixtures in the observed active ingredients through thermic Analyses (DTA), really has no influence, at least in the bioavailability of meloxicam. Considering these results, the paper goes on to conclude that the manipulated medicines studied are safe ad can be used as prescribed. However, it is necessary to standardize manipulation procedures above all in the exipients used in the preparation of orally administered medicines. Also the pharmacist must be constantly aware of the importance of his role in supervising each stage of manipulation, as it is he/she who is ultimately responsible for the quality of the manipulated medicines


desease rheumatologic manipulation pharmacies meloxicam farmacia farmÃcia magistral doenÃas reumatolÃgicas meloxicam

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