Estudo da mobilidade da força de trabalho entre os estados de atividade:: uma modelagem dos padrões de mercado de trabalho urbano do Peru através de Tabelas de Incremento e Decremento


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The increased mobility of the urban Peruvian WAP through the states of activity is the product of the implementation of a package of labor reforms whose aim was to generate more jobs, requires supplement period indicators, which account for the market situation work in a given moment in time. Despite the importance of these indicators, do not fully reproduce the situation in Peruvian labor market, that is to say, the continuous movements that individuals make between the different states of activity. The objective of this thesis is to study the cicle of life of the Peruvian PIA, on base to transitions that the activity and the inactivity are realised between and vice versa. For this, it t was necessary to use the approach demographic multidimensional, whose basic instrument is the tables of life of increases and decrements, that recognized several states and allow to entrances and exits of these states. The ENAHOs are household surveys perform by INEI since 1995, with national coverage, and contains information that tells the retrospective condition of activity between two moments: August 2000 and July 2001 and allowed to estimate the transition probabilities between states of activity, the basic input for developing the tables of increase and decrease. The tables of increments and decrements reproduce measures that synthesize their findings, the principal and best known of them is the life expectancy, for all ages. It is estimated two types of active life expectancy: life expectancy by states based on the total population, which indicates the average number of years to be lived in a condition of active and inactive, from each of the ages by all persons who reach that age, regardless of the current state activity, and life expectancy based on the states, reflects the number of years remaining to be lived in each of the states, under the condition in which individuals find themselves at every age.


demografia teses. mercado de trabalho peru teses.

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