Estudo da desidratação osmotica com aditivos e do acondicionamento sob atmosfera modificada de pedaços de mamão formosa / Study of osmotic dehydration with additives and of the packaging under modified atmosphere of Formosa papaya pieces.




Modern life style, allied to an interest for a healthy diet, has been causing a market demand for fresh-like foods, ready for consumption and convenience. In response to this demand the food industry promoted the development of mild processes and technologies, aiming to maintain product final quality and increase its resistance to degradation. Papayas from the Formosa variety are especially appreciated for the quality of its pulp and its functional properties. Still, fruits of this variety require preparation before its consumption. A mild preservation process is the osmotic dehydration, able to remove part of the water of the food, simultaneously to its direct formulation by the incorporation of additives interest in the preservation of the final product. The osmotically dehydrated vegetable product requires the use of an appropriate packaging system, since the treated tissue maintains its respiratory processes active. The passive modified atmosphere packaging technology can extend dehydrated fruit shelf life, hindering the fruit tissue respiratory rates, and slowing down its senescence decay. This work studied the osmotic dehydration of papaya pieces (Formosa variety) in sucrose solutions with additives and its packaging under passive modified atmosphere. Sucrose solutions at 50ºBrix added with different concentration of lactic acid and calcium lactate (0 to 0,10M) were used to carry out osmotic dehydration of papaya pieces at different temperatures (from 24 to 63ºC). The effect of process temperature and salt and acid concentration over weight loss, moisture, sugars content, water activity, rheological parameters, color, total weight loss and moisture, sugars intake and the increase of stress at rupture. Water activity was reduced mainly with the increase of the temperature and lactic acid concentration, but did not change significantly with the increase of calcium lactate concentration., accordance with the experimental design evaluation two osmotic dehydration conditions were chosen: 1 - 0,02 M lactic acid and 0,05 M calcium lactate in sucrose solution of a 50ºBrix at 24ºC for 1 hour and condition 2 - 0,10 M lactic acid and 0,05 M calcium lactate in osmotic dehydration study were evaluated for the mass transfer rates of water loss and solids again. Micrographs of fruit tissues treated by condition 1 and 2 with or without calcium lactate, and of the fresh fruit tissue were compared. Sensorial analysis of acceptance for texture and rheological studies were carried out aiming to evaluate the use of this salt as additive. The study of the microstructure showed that the addition of calcium lactate maintained the integrity of the treated tissue. Rheological and sensorial evaluations pointed significant differences among the sample textures before and after the osmotic treatment in conditions 1 and 2. Treated samples by the osmotic condition 2 presented residual bitter taste, and were inadequate for the storage study. The samples treated in the osmotic condition 1modified the internal atmosphere inside the PET packages, presenting good sensorial acceptance and reaching purchase intention of 77% after 15 days of storage, compared to 55% of the fresh samples also packed under passive modified atmosphere.


desidratação osmotica alimentos - aditivos shelf life papaya packing under modified atmosphere mamão osmotic dehydration food additives embalagem sob atmosfera modificada vida de prateleira

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