Estudo da corrosão intergranular em ligas de alumínio de fundição influências do teor de cobre e do tratamento de solubilização




It is well known that the element copper, even with an impurity level less than 0,3% modifies substancially the susceptibility to intergranular corrosion in alloys of commercial denomination 356 (nominal composition Al7Si0,3Mg). This paper aims to evaluate the influence of variations in the content of the element copper and the effect of thermal treatment of solubilization on the tendency to intergranular corrosion in samples of alloys of commercial denomination 356 and the Al-Cu system alloys melted in permanent moulds. The alloys were produced using an induction electric oven and involving contents of the element copper as impurity as well as alloy element. Samples were evaluated in fusion and heat treatment conditions utilizing six hours of heating in temperatures of approximately 540 10C, and then a fast cooling in water so that the solid solution obtained be maintained in room temperature. The resistance to corrosion was evaluated by the decrease of mass after the samples were subjected to intergranular corrosion tests carried out according to the ASTM G110-92 norm. The results obtained indicate a strong influence of the element copper on the increase of the tendency to corrosion in the investigated alloys, and alterations in this behavior in the comparisons between the fusion and the solubilized conditions.


solubilização engenharia de materiais e metalurgica melted aluminum alloys solubility ligas de alumínio fundição intergranular corrosion corrosão intergranular foundry

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