Estrategias para a aprendizagem esportiva : um abordagem pedagogica da atividade motora para cegos e deficientes visuais




On the study called "Strategies for the Learning of Sports: a Pedagogical Approach of the Motor Activity for Blinds and the Visually Impaired" basically developed at the Adapted Motor Activity Project of the Physical Education School of the Campinas State University since 1990, we have tried to carry out a work which would benefit those who are involved or intend to be involved in preparing "visually impaired" people in the field of Physical Education through general and cientific motor activities directed to sport, showing them and visually impaired the possibilities of great achivies in this field. For that purpose, we have referred to information obtained in various scientific fields, and not only concerning sports or visuallyimpaired people. We have tried to visualize the evolutionary aspect of man and, as a consequence, the need for a constant concem with renewal and adaptation to educational experiences through motor activities. This process was strenghthened by the interrelation between man and the enviroment, its characteristics, influences and potentials, showing the responsibility of the Physical Education in the development of man as an individual, a social being, and a member of a culture


atividade motora educação fisica para deficientes cegos exercicios fisicos

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