Estratégias competitivo-cooperativas para o desenvolvimento regional sustentável via turismo : o caso de Treze Tílias - SC




The dimension of the touristic phenomenon must be wider than that of a phenomenon resulting from the stay and travel by people that are strangers to a certain place. This paper analyzes the mutation of competitive-cooperative strategies used in search of sustainable development of touristic regions where tourism passes from a spontaneous phenomenon into a planned, coordinated, and integrated one. This thesis supports the Local Productive Arrangement for the strategic plan of tourism as means of inserting the community, businesspeople, and public affairs in resource management to reach sustainable development. In terms of method the research is exploratory, descriptive, and a case study with qualitative analysis in order to identify the evolution of organizational strategic characteristics in sustainable development of tourism. The concepts of regional sustainable development of the touristic activity and competitive -cooperative strategies are aligned. For this the evolution of adopted strategies by tourism organizations and the introduced changes in the productive modeling of daily business praxis are analyzed comprising several degrees of interaction until the formation of Local Productive Arrangement. Therefore there is a proposal of uniformity of the concepts used in competitive-cooperative strategies: agglomeration, cluster, strategic alliance within cluster, and local productive arrangement. It is reassured that tourism must be seen in view of sustainable tourism and that alliances between class associations, businesspeople of the trade, and other sectors, the participation of county, state, and federal governments, and, mainly, of the community are needed conditions for the strengthening of the Local Productive Arrangement. This research also demonstrates that tourism as an incentive factor for regional and local development prompts a diversified and sustainable development producing infrastructural transformations in order to support the growth and diversification of the productive basis. It is shown that the degree of partnership and cooperation between the social agents will characterize the existence of agglomeration, cluster, strategic alliance within cluster or local productive arrangement. Finally by a practical case study of the touristic development of Treze Tílias in Santa Catarina State, Brazil, the theoretical base of this study is confirmed.


planejamento estratégico desenvolvimento sustentável turismo - treze tílias (sc) administracao alianças estratégicas (negócios)

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