Estimation of economic values for component traits of selection indexes in beef cattle. / Estimação de valores econômicos para características componentes de índices de seleção em bovinos de corte.




The objective of the present study was to estimate economic values for component of selection indexes in beef cattle herds during suckling phase. Analyzed productive data was simulated and representative of production systems assisted by breeding program. Values of costs and incomes were collected from companies related to the economical study of national cattle raising. Selection criteria, for which economic values was estimated, were: heifer pregnancy at 14 months (PP14), stayability (HP) and weight weaning (PD).) The methodology of Bioeconomic Model was applied to estimation of economic values (VE). This methodology estimates the impact in the profit from the alteration in performance for each trait of genetic influence, keeping constant all the others variables analyzed. The VE for PP14 was R$0.71 for percentage of heifer pregnant, evaluated for heifer, and R$1.16 for kg of calves weaned analyzed for PD. The VE of the HP, analyzed for cow, were R$1.37, R$1.87, R$2.37 and R$2.87 considering the heifer cost purchase of R$450.00, R$500.00, R$550.00 and R$600.00, respectively. The VE were standardized for the genetic-economic value, result of multiplication of additive genetic standard deviation of the trait by respective VE. Although HP, in absolute values, was the trait of larger economic importance to the analyzed productive system, it presents inferior genetic-economic value compared PP14 and PD. This inversion is due to greater heritability and genetic variability of PP14 and PD. The genetic-economic value of the PP14 and HP together, was more important than WW, showing that the traits of fertility are the most economically important for this simulated productive system, specific to the commerce of calves weaned for the market.


economic values modelo bioeconômico seleção animal valores econômicos beef cattle bovinocultura de corte bioeconomic model animal breeding breeding objective objetivos de seleção

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