Estilo de vida de idosos hipertensos : análise de repercussão de uma tecnologia educativa em saúde




Systemic Arterial Hypertension (SAH) is the most frequent of all cardiovascular diseases, and it is also the main risk factor for the most common complications, such as cerebral vascular accident, myocardial infarction end chronic kidney disease. Hypertension is considered a serious public health problem in Brazil and around the world. Nowadays, 17 million Brazilians are believed to suffer from hypertension, and 35% of them age 40 years or more. Asymptomatic in many cases, the treatment for SAH is frequently neglected by the patient. One of the main non-medicamental treatments adopted is the change in the patients lifestyle, which consists of balanced healthy eating, reduction of sodium consumption, alcohol and tobacco abstinence, weight loss, and the practice of physical exercise to eradicate sedentarism. Evidence shows that strategies in health education aiming changes in lifestyle are more efficient when implemented collectively. For that reason, we developed this Dissertation, consisting of two articles. In the first one, we analyzed the lifestyle of the hypertensive elderly attending a daycare center and its relation to the risk factors, prevention, and control of hypertension. We noticed that the conception of the old ones on healthy lifestyle consisted in the set of acts and attitudes concerning the daily reality of each one, such as issues relating to survival. That makes us believe that a healthy lifestyle in the conception of the group observed exceeded the health matter and emerged in the subjectivity of the participants, their beliefs, principles, and their socioeconomic conditions, as well as their physical aptitude. We also noticed that the adhesion to the conducts of a healthy lifestyle was partial among the elderly, mainly regarding the practice of physical activity, and the management of stress, for only six and eleven subjects, respectively, reported the conducts cited above. The second article aimed to evaluate the changes in the elderly patients lifestyle after the implementation of Educational Health Technology, based on the Health Belief Model. In this context, the proposal proved to be efficient, for it allowed behavioral changes, mainly regarding the practice of physical activity and weight loss. Based on the results obtained from this research, we consider this technology satisfactory and advise its implementation in the health education practice of people suffering from arterial hypertension.


hipertensÃo arterial - dissertaÇÕes educaÇÃo em saÚde - dissertaÇÕes idosos - qualidade de vida - dissertaÇÕes saude coletiva

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