Estado nutricional, consumo de alimentos e condições socioeconomicas das familias de assentamento rural em Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. / Strategies of safety ensurement and beef supply for commercial restaurantes in the city of Campinas, SP .




Rural settlements were established in Brazil in order to promote a new model of agricultural development. The life condition of residents of that social organization form is still little known. The objective of this work was to evaluate the social-economic and demographic conditions, nutritional state and the food consumption of adults and older people that live in rural settlement of South Mato Grosso (MS). This research was carried out at the Itamarati Settlement, which is located in Ponta Porã, MS. Individuals that participated of the sample were between 20 and 69 years old, belonging to families of four social movements that compound the settlement. Draft of home unit was done by simple randomized stratified sampling, which data were collected by interviews. A sample was 117 home units form the research which involved 217 persons (105 of feminine gender and 112 of masculine). Consumption data were obtained by the 24-hour Dietary Recall method. The Nutwin software was used to calculate energy, nutrients and the values were compared with DRIs or RDAs established for healthy adults, according life stage and gender. For calculating Body Mass Index (BMI), critical levels established by World Health Organization were adopted. It was verified that the most interviewed people were married with a mean age of 43 years and had 5.2 years of schooling. Among settled women, the average number of children per woman was 2.7. Average monthly income of families reached R$ 354.70. Participation of auto-consumption in the family income resulted in a per capita daily average of R$ 1.27 and foods that are present in an expressive way were: meat (beef, chicken and pork), beans, milk and their products, manioc and squash. Residences had, on the average, 4.2 rooms lacking electricity. Water in 95% of the residences was of the "caipira" type wells and 68% of water for human consumption did not receive any treatment. Average values of BMI for women were higher than for men. Pre-obesity in women concentrated in age stratum above 30 years old and obesity above 40 years. In the male group, pre-obesity and obesity were higher in age stratum from 40 to 49 of age. Average proportions of ingested energy from proteins, carbohydrates and lipids were, respectively, 15.5, 54.4 and 30.1% for women and 15.5, 54.9 and 29.6% for men. There was adequacy in 78.8% of the diets. Reduced consumption of vitamins, mainly A, E and C and folate, was observed. Calcium consumption for both genders and of iron for women in fertile age, were inferior to established requirements. Average sodium ingestion was around four times higher than are the recommended amounts. For other minerals, it was verified to be a low intake, but in a smaller proportion. Average cholesterol consumption was very higher than the recommendation, whereas that fiber was smaller than recommended for both genders. Cereals were the principal sources of both energy and carbohydrates. Meats and sausages were identified as the main sources of protein and lipids. The participation of pork fat and bacon fat in the diet of settlers was superior to the national averages. The contribution of fruits and vegetables to the food intake was little and roots and tubers were identified as main sources of vitamin C. Milk and its products showed to be the main source of calcium of the settlers. About 50% of the consumed iron, for both genders, was from cereals. Due to the adopted diet and it was concluded life style that sampled individuals were prone to nutritional imbalance and the developing osteoporosis, hypertension and all chronic non transmissible diseases. Therefore, on could distinguish the importance of stimulating settlers to decrease the consumption of foods of animal origin, salt and increasing the production and consumption of fruits, leguminous, cereals and vegetables. Those results showed the need of establishing, among other strategies, a program of nutritional education in Itamarati Settlement. Besides, considering that in a short period of time, probably, there will be an expressive increase in population at the settlement, attention is called to the importance of reevaluating sanitary, environmental, interventions and increase the production for self-consumption with the aim of, providing, a more varied diet capable of bringing food and nutritional security to these families.


nutrition assentamentos rurais rural settlements nutrição - avaliação levantamentos nutricionais food consumption surveys

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